Imaction: Jari Vuorenmaa — tiimi- ja asiantuntijatyön kehittämiseen

Learning solutions for teams and subject matter experts *

* and yes, their leaders, too

“We help people lead themselves, achieve results through teamwork and knowledge sharing — and by influencing and collaborating across teams and organizations.
We help them get stuff done.”

We deliver customized training programs and courses for organizations in Finnish and English. Take a look at our skills-based workshops for subject matter experts (SMEs) and teams — and their leaders and managers, too.

— Jari Vuorenmaa, Imaction

Jari Vuorenmaa, Imaction, L&D Consultant and training facilitator, runs workshops and courses for teams and subject matter experts.
Jari Vuorenmaa, founder and training facilitator, Imaction

Learning solutions and courses for leading yourself, collaboration and teamwork

Leading yourself

Self-leadership and time management courses help people enhance both their personal productivity as well as their wellbeing at work.

Influencing and collaboration

Influencing skills courses help professionals achieve results without direct authority through collaboration.


Team building workshops help build trust, improve psychological safety and enhance teamwork and communication.

Workshops for the modern workplace

We are a learning facilitators

The learning facilitation company Imaction was set up in Finland in 2005. We currently have between 1,000 and 3,000 participants annually in our training workshops.

We offer tailored learning solutions for public and private organizations. Our interactive workshops are facilitated both face-to-face and virtually.

Imaction’s founder and senior learning and development consultant, Jari Vuorenmaa, has facilitated workshops in 30 countries around the world, ranging from Brazil to China, and from South Africa to Finland.

Hands-on courses for skills development

We focus on hands-on skills development in the following areas:

  • self-leadership, time management and personal productivity
  • collaboration skills and influencing without formal authority
  • knowledge transfer and Train the trainer workshops
  • change leadership and communication skills
  • team building and teamwork.

We believe in learning by doing — in order to guarantee maximum learning transfer into everyday work. Our engaging and encouraging courses are designed to answer the concrete work-related competence needs our customers face.

Training programs for increasing productivity through self-leadership and shared leadership

Our training programs zoom in on enhancing work productivity

Our training programs assist teams and individual contributors in leading themselves (self-leadership and personal productivity), influencing others (through knowledge sharing and collaboration with internal and external stakeholders), and working in self-managing teams (team performance).

Self-leadership, leading others through influence and collaboration, and shared leadership in teamwork are key success factors for work productivity.
Key leadership competencies for high performance are important for individual contributors and subject matter experts, too.

Productivity at work is based on three core competencies of self-leadership and shared leadership:

  • 1) leading ourselves in our work,
  • 2) leading others by sharing knowledge, influencing and collaborating across teams and organizational boundaries
  • 3) sharing leadership and producing results through teamwork as a unified team with aligned goals.